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Last Updated on December 28, 2024

Stay weather forewarned by ensuring you have your HVAC system in first-class shape, so schedule any AC repairs now. Look closely below for signs your air conditioning system is needing repairs. 

Should any of the signs of a faulty AC unit that you notice are any of the below, be certain to give the pros that do Houston HVAC service a call for proper air conditioning repairs.

broken hvac

1. Unit is puffing out hot air

When your AC unit is puffing hot in your house, it is likely time to have a professional visit you at home to look at the HVAC unit you have. 

2. Poor blowing airflow

Nothing is more disappointing than an AC that never pumps a full flow of air into the air in your home. If you bring one hand up to your air conditioning air vents and notice that cold air is escaping, but without sufficient power to cycle around the entire space, you probably need your AC unit fixed. Most often a problem is with your air conditioning unit’s air compressor, but maybe it’s also your air vent’s fault.

3. The thermostat isn’t functioning

A thermostat is your air conditioning unit’s control room. With no input from a correctly working thermostat, the ventilation system in your home will not know when to work hard or when to work harder to monitor the climate in your home. The first thing to consider is to make sure that your home’s thermostat requires battery power. Next, call in a technician to have the problem diagnosed and repaired.

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4. Noise while using it

When your HVAC units are making squeaking, squealing sounds, get an HVAC technician out immediately to fix the problem. The belt or other interior hardware may be cracked or faulty. 

5. Strange odors during usage

If you can feel a weird odor coming from the ventilation holes while your HVAC units are turned on, you might have an issue requiring a professional fix. A harsh odor may point to a wire isolation issue in your unit. A mildew odor could point to mildew starting to build up someplace within your system. 

6. Humid air

While the primary role of your air conditioning unit comes to keep the air conditioning unit cool inside of your house, it also acts as a dryer. If yours is not taking the moisture out of your air, you probably need repairs. 

7. CFC fluid leaks

Freon is toxic, so make sure to call an HVAC technician as soon as you notice humidity leaks surrounding your unit. Moisture can seep in some cases due to a clogged or locked refrigerant drain. 

8. Heavy electric utility bills

If you’ve gotten that monthly electric bill and you’re appalled by the increases (sometimes double or triple what the median bill is), it may be that your air conditioning is to blame if in fact that your energy bill has gone up drastically.

9. Recurring Issues

Once you sense that there are always a few issues with your HVAC unit, now is the perfect time for you to schedule an appointment to have a tech visit your house to examine that unit to troubleshoot any issues. Any residential issue is a cause of stress, but getting timely maintenance on your air conditioner can save you money, stress, and energy, in the long term.

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10. Whether your air conditioner is over 10 years old 

Like any machine, your HVAC units have a lifespan. As soon as it comes to an end of life, there is little that you can do to make the situation better. You can continue to have technicians make house calls for fixes or else you might want to look into changing your HVAC units to a more environmentally friendly, energy-efficient model for your home and climate. 

For a better understanding of the common terms related to HVAC systems, check out this complete guide to HVAC terminology.

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

Brooks is a marketer by trade, but has developed quite the passion for home design since becoming a homeowner in New Orleans. He'll be writing about he and his wife's favorite home decor products as well as simple tips and tricks for creating a home you love.

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