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Last Updated on August 22, 2023

Are you eager to take your living room back from your kids and get them to play in their bedrooms? Are you facing some difficulties?

It is rarely surprising; kids often like to play in spaces they feel are theirs, and if their bedroom is boring and full of things like wardrobes and has no toys, why on earth would they want to play in it?

It’s not too hard, and with a bit of imagination, you can turn their bedroom into a wonderland for them to play in, so you can have a bit of free time in the living space downstairs. 

What are the best ways to do this? Read on to find out!

Involve Them In The Process

As mentioned before, kids like playing in spaces they feel are theirs, so why not start at the basics and ask them about their favorite colors, hobbies, or characters?

There are some functional aspects that need to be looked at too, but you can also ask them for their input. If multiple children use the space, do they each want their own beds, or can you invest in a triple bunk bed, for example? Most kids love bunk beds, so this will likely be a great idea for their space. Make sure the collaboration results in a room that reflects all their personalities so they will like the space.

Choose A Theme

This can be trickier if you have more than one child in the bedroom, but it is doable!

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If one of your children loves animals, you can create an area near their bed that is animal themed. If another child loves outer space, you can put glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, and so on. Just make sure that the room is not solely based on one kid’s likes, as that is likely to cause hostility and may make one of them feel left out.

Make Functional Zones

A bedroom works best when it is broken down into zones that will cater to your kid’s different activities. Depending on the age of your children, you may want one area for sleeping, another for studying (such as a desk), another for play, and another for storage. Try to make sure each area is well-defined, and if you have multiple kids, you can even designate different desks for your different kids with name stickers on the desk and the wall.

Customize the Décor

Following that, it is well worth personalizing the room as much as possible. If you have a child who loves horses, why not opt for horse-based bedding or wallpaper? Or, if you are artistically inclined, why not make a wall decal of a horse for them? A bedroom is also perfect for your child to showcase their artwork, so why not involve your children in the décor process? These creative ideas that reflect your child’s personality will help them to love the space and to truly identify it as theirs. Even if they just select something when shopping with you, they will love being involved. 

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Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

Brooks is a marketer by trade, but has developed quite the passion for home design since becoming a homeowner in New Orleans. He'll be writing about he and his wife's favorite home decor products as well as simple tips and tricks for creating a home you love.

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