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Last Updated on March 21, 2024

Just as with any other machine or mechanical device, air conditioning systems only last so long. Parts wear out, components get damaged, and all of the wear and tear over time simply takes its toll. However, with proper care these units can go well beyond their average lifespan, providing a huge benefit to not only your wallet but the environment as well. 

Air conditioning maintenance is something that far too many people overlook as an essential home service. When you take better care of your unit, it consumes less energy, operates more efficiently, and greatly reduces the necessity of frequent repair work or total replacement. But what are the best ways to keep your AC system in top shape? Here are 5 tips from an experienced HVAC professional:

1. Establishing a Regular Maintenance Routine

This is perhaps the single, most important aspect of keeping your AC unit running efficiently and having a long lifespan. Even simple tasks such as cleaning and replacing air filters and checking coolant levels can have a huge impact on the performance and longevity of your system.

2. Using a Programmable Thermostat

This will help reduce the strain on your system by lowering energy consumption. By setting the temperature according to your schedule, you can greatly reduce unnecessary cooling when your home is empty. This practice leads to less wear and tear on the unit and less expensive energy bills. 

3. Utilizing Insulation and Shade

In addition to regular air conditioning maintenance and using a programmable thermostat, you can also reduce the amount of heat inside your home by installing window shades and awnings and strategically planting trees. You can also add insulation in the floors, walls, and attic to help maintain consistently cooler indoor temperatures.

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4. Regulated Airflow Management

Making sure that the air is flowing properly throughout your home is an essential aspect of keeping your AC unit functioning well. Vents that are blocked or obstructed may have restricted airflow, causing the unit to have to work harder and deal with greater strain. To avoid this, keep curtains, furniture, and other objects away from vents and registers.

5. Frequent Inspections and Prompt Repairs

Although regular maintenance can help you avoid many common issues with your AC system, even the most diligent routine doesn’t mean you will never have problems. Having your unit inspected by a professional technician on a regular basis will allow you to catch any concerns in the early stages before they become costly repairs or replacements.

Air Conditioning Maintenance Doesn’t Have to Be a Hassle

There is no reason a simple service like AC maintenance needs to be an expensive or inconvenient ordeal. By sticking to a regular routine, you can save yourself a serious headache down the road, not to mention a decent amount of money. 

By taking proper care and upkeep of your unit, you will save money on energy bills while also reducing your carbon footprint. You’ll also enjoy year-round comfort indoors while maximizing the longevity and efficiency of your system.



Tia is a marketing strategist who seamlessly blends her professional expertise with her personal passions. With a green thumb and an inherent love for all things related to home decor, she brings a unique perspective to her work and finds joy in cultivating both plants and creative design ideas.

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