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Last Updated on December 21, 2023

As winter’s chill descends upon us, there’s no denying the comfort of a warm, cozy home. However, for residents of places like Washington and Alaska, where winter temperatures can plummet to bone-chilling levels, keeping your home comfortably heated becomes a significant concern. 

To be specific, the need for a well-functioning HVAC system is undeniable. But, at the same time, the thought of heating bills can be daunting for homeowners.

The good news is that with some strategic planning and smart practices, it’s possible to keep your home warm without breaking the bank. So, let’s begin!

How Winter Weather Affects Your HVAC System

Before we get into how to prepare your home for the season, let’s take a look at how it can impact your HVAC system:

1. Heating Challenges with Dry Air: In winter, the air becomes dry and chilly, making it harder for your furnace to heat up. This drop in humidity can make your home feel colder than the thermostat setting of 71-77 degrees Fahrenheit. 

As a result, your furnace has to work more, leading to higher energy bills, which leads to an increase in your budget. While turning up the thermostat may seem tempting, it only puts extra strain on your heating system.

2. Faster Heat Loss in Poorly Insulated Homes: If your home isn’t well insulated, the temperature difference between the outside and inside can cause heat to escape quickly. This forces your heating system to work even harder to maintain the desired temperature.

3. Issues faced by Snow and Ice: In areas with very low temperatures, snow and ice can pose unique problems for HVAC systems. It can freeze your heating unit, causing it to shut down and potentially damaging pipes. Moisture can also enter your AC, freeze, expand, and harm the coil fins. This may result in noisy outdoor units and damage to internal components.

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How to Maintain the HVAC System During Winter

1. Schedule a maintenance appointment each winter
The best times for HVAC maintenance are during winters when you use your AC and furnace less. Schedule an annual checkup with HVAC Services in King County, Washington, to keep your system in shape. Such professionals will help you avoid sudden breakdowns and make sure your system is running as efficiently as possible.

Before the technician comes, also watch for strange smells, unusual noises, or ductwork leaks. These signs can help you maximize the technician’s visit and your budget.

2. Save Energy by Adjusting Your Thermostat
To cut down on winter heating costs, a smart thermostat is your secret weapon. It’s connected to Wi-Fi and has a smartphone app that allows you to monitor and control your home’s temperature, even when you’re not there.

For maximum savings, here’s a tip from Energy Saver: Set your thermostat to a comfy 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re home. Then, when you’re snug under your blankets at night or away during the day, lower it by 10-12 degrees. No need to warm an empty house!

You can set this up as a schedule, use a geofencing feature, or simply control it from your smartphone app. This simple trick can trim 10% off your heating bill. Take this as a budget-saving tip.

3. Keep Your HVAC System Healthy with Filter Changes and Vent Cleaning
Dirt and dust can cause trouble for your system. To prevent breakdowns, follow these steps:

Filter Changes
Change your HVAC filters every 30 to 90 days, depending on usage and environmental factors. If you have pets or allergies, consider replacing them more frequently. Opt for a filter that fits your system and meets your specific needs, like allergen reduction or pet dander control. Always turn off the system before changing the filter. Also, remove the old filter, noting the airflow direction, and replace it with the new one, ensuring it’s correctly oriented.

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Vent Cleaning

Inspect and clean your vents and registers at least twice to prevent dust accumulation. Use a vacuum with a brush attachment for a gentle clean. For a more thorough cleaning, remove the vent covers and wipe the inside with a damp cloth. 

4. Avoid Clutter Around HVAC
Your HVAC system needs space to breathe. Any obstructions can make it work harder and wear out faster. Debris can build up around both the indoor and outdoor units, blocking airflow. Leaves, grass, and twigs can damage the outdoor unit’s compressor. So, make sure to keep things like plants, trash cans, and clutter away from the outdoor unit. It’s also a good idea to clean the area around your units occasionally.

5. Keep Your Exhaust Pipe Clear
The exhaust pipe or furnace flue is responsible for venting harmful gases from your heating system outside your home. If this pipe gets blocked, it can push those toxic gases back into your house. Breathing in these gases can lead to health problems, including headaches, nausea, and, in extreme cases, even fatalities. To stay safe and make sure your system works well, clean the exhaust pipe.

Few Tips for Hiring HVAC Professionals

Begin your hunt for a reliable HVAC contractor by exploring both national and local firms, scouring the internet for reviews, and soliciting recommendations.

Remember, every system differs from house to house. If your home uses a boiler, for instance, aim to find contractors skilled in boiler systems. After narrowing down your options, schedule discussions to inquire about their credentials, expertise, time availability, and other important aspects.

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Key Questions to Pose to an HVAC Contractor

  • What’s your background and training?
  • How do you set your pricing – is it a flat rate or by the hour?
  • Are you able to provide past client references?
  • Do you have experience with HVAC systems like mine?
  • How do you calculate a project’s cost?

Adequate answers will vary, but ideally, you’re looking for a contractor who has several years of experience and holds the necessary certifications.

To wrap it up

Getting your system winter-ready is essential for a warm, efficient home. It involves proactive steps like timely maintenance and smart energy use. Finding the right HVAC expert is crucial, too, as they ensure your system runs smoothly and safely. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a cozy winter without overspending on heating. Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in keeping your home comfortable and your heating costs down.



Tia is a marketing strategist who seamlessly blends her professional expertise with her personal passions. With a green thumb and an inherent love for all things related to home decor, she brings a unique perspective to her work and finds joy in cultivating both plants and creative design ideas.

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